Welcome to the TextActivities blog

Welcome to the TextActivities blog :)

TextActivities is a website for teachers and learners of languages. It is brought to you by the people behind (in reverse chronological order) SentenceBuildersTeachVidTextivate and TaskMagic.

TextActivities is essentially Textivate 2.0, but with so many changes from the original that we had no option but to launch it as a totally separate website.

Those familiar with Textivate will recognise here many of the activities and pedagogical features of Textivate, but delivered in a completely different way, with a totally new interface, a completely different approach to classes, school management, resource creation, student logins and assignments, and hopefully a much more intuitive work flow.

Those familiar with SentenceBuilders will find here many of the same classroom and school management tools, and a similar look and feel to the SentenceBuilders site.

While our hope is that current Textivate users will value the many improvements and will want to migrate to TextActivities, the original Textivate will remain in place.

If you'd like 7 days' free access to the site, simply go to TextActivities.com and request a trial via the contact form in the page footer. You'll then have 7 days to create resources, try other people's resources, set up classes and student accounts, set assignments and competitions, and see for yourself how the whole site works :)